Transform Data into success

We specialize in maximizing the potential of data, both online and offline. Through the application of cutting-edge technologies, including Machine Learning, Data-Driven Solutions, and Statistical Modeling, we empower our clients to proactively and reactively identify business opportunities.

Our core commitment is to drive the growth of B2B companies across Latin America, through the development of innovative products and solutions that connect businesses with their ideal customers.

What is your challente?

We connect opportunities.

Our CRM Enrichment service provides comprehensive tools to enhance your customer management. We understand characteristics, create profiles, and segment your base. We uncover opportunities, personalize recommendations, and qualify leads with chatbots and SDRs. We identify companies and clients likely to expand, as well as offer accurate churn predictions. All in one place, with detailed sales funnel analytics.

Our ecosystem daily connects professionals from the B2B and healthcare sectors, such as doctors, dentists, veterinarians, and other specialists, through hundreds of indexed public and private data sources. We facilitate these connections efficiently and directly, while our predictive models and artificial intelligence enable us to develop solutions that influence consumer behaviors and forecast trends and demands. We generate value for areas like marketing, CRM, and sales, driving results through data analysis. We integrate data, technology, people, and processes to support our clients at every stage. We are driven by challenge.

Data as a Service

Utilizing proprietary technologies and artificial intelligence, we develop efficient business engines through data mining, enabling fundamental insights for strategic growth.

Data Analytics

At PIATTINO, we employ statistical science to drive positive outcomes in your company. Our approach combines classical probabilistic methods with the latest Machine Learning algorithms, including Sequential Learning, Reinforcement Learning, and Dynamic Programming, among others, as tools to achieve success.

Data Visualization

Our mission is to provide accurate insights and robust performance indicators, integrating data, people, processes, and artificial intelligence. We aim to deliver precise analytics that drive efficiency and success for our clients.

Understanding the general trends of your business and the overall market saves time, money, and energy in the long run and can help you dominate your market.

"Discover the benefits.

Accuracy in acquiring new clients
Increased efficiency
Process automation
Data-driven innovation
Market insights
Cost reduction